Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Breast Feeding Infants at Risk from Rocket Fuel Chemical

Perclorate is a drug that can be useful in treating some forms of hyperthyroidism, and was used in the past as a test of thyroid function, in the perchlorate discharge test.
It is hard to find in the USA for treatment, but can be found all over the country in mother's breast milk. It is found in foodstuff raised with water contaminated with perchlorate. This level in breast milk is higher than in cow's milk. This is even more troubling, because the infant is the most susceptable to iodine deficiency.Perchlorate causes blockade of nutritional iodine, and thyroid hormone formation. Thyroid hormone is needed for brain, and IQ development in the infant.Because of this finding the researchers are recommending women block the bad effects of perchlorate by iodine suppliments while they breast feed.The amount of perchlorate in breast milk would give a one month old enough perchlorate to exceed a safe level, called a reference dose that was established by a panel of NAS experts last month. This should result in lowering the safe dose level to protect breast fed infants. Perchlorate levels are high in the lower Colorado river which covers 2 million acres of cropland. What should you do?
Use iodine containing vitamins to counteract the perchlorate effect in breast milk.


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